Sire: GCH Winning Streak CM CountnOrdrs *B
Dam: GCH Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M EEEE 91
Date of Birth: 5/30/2021 (Triplet)
GCH Winning Streak O Extraordinary 6*M VVVV 86 (FF)
GCH Winning Streak O Remarkable *B EVV 89
Markings/colorings: Black with white; Wattles
Linear Appraisal: VVVV 88 (FF)
Show Record:
1st Place Jr in 0-6 month at North Florida Fair
Judge: Joe Kimmel Jr.
2x 1st Place Jr at National Peanut Festival in Dothan, AL.
Judge: Christopher Fraley
Not sure what show but results below
Ring 1: Julie Matthys
1st Place Jr in the 6-12 selected as the Grand Champion and Best Jr Doe In Show
Where to begin with this exceptional doe? Inky is a true standout, and having her back in our herd is nothing short of emotional. She holds a special place in our hearts, as her lineage sparked our love for the Nigerian Dwarf breed when we first began looking in 2020. Inky is one of the products of the royal Mazy/Major crosses, and her pedigree is nothing short of impressive her dam Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M EEEE 91 sparked my love for the breed way back in 2020, who milked 1220 pounds in just 260 days as a 3 year old. Amazing also placing 10th as a 3 year old milker at the 2018 ADGA National Show. As a 5 year old Amazing had an excellent LA of EEEE91, with a 42 for rear udder height!. She is a maternal sister to some incredible animals, including GCH Winning Streak CM Marvelous 6*M EEEE 92, GCH Winning Streak EB Perfection 6*M EEEE 91, GCH Winning Streak EB Irresistible 6*M, GCH Winning Streak O Extraordinary 6*M (Littermate), and many more. Her brother, GCH Winning Streak O Remarkable *B, earned his Grand Champion title effortlessly, and her sister, Winning Streak O Extraordinary 6*M, claimed Best in Show at her very first show as a 2-year-old freshener, securing wins under both judges.
Inky’s conformation is impeccable—she has a smooth, well-balanced body, and an “inkredibly” wide, flat rump that sets her apart. Her dairyness is evident in her uphill stature, exceptional spring of rib, and flat bones. The buttery soft, pliable skin she’s known for is a signature trait, and we are beyond excited to see her potential unfold in our breeding program.
A huge thank you to Donna and Kayla at Winning Streak for entrusting us with Inky. We are thrilled to have this amazing doe back in our herd, and we can’t wait to see what she brings to the future of Regal Wood Acres, especially as we look forward to an AMAZING daughter in our show string for the 2025-2026 season.
Notable Relatives: Below are all maternal siblings!
GCH Winning Streak CM Marvelous 6*M EEEE 92
GCH Winning Streak CM Magnificent 6*M +VVV 86
GCH Winning Streak EB Perfection 6*M EEEE 91
Winning Streak EB Flawless +*B VEV 87
Winning Streak EB Masterpiece *B
GCH Winning Streak EB Irrisistible 6*M VVVE 88
Winning Streak CM Astonishing *B (working in the renowned Wolfivan herd!)
Winning Streak CM Impressive *B (working in Flying Feets herd!)
Winning Streak CM Phenomenal *B